Marlin fishing from Trailer Boats in Australia Ft. Al McGlashan
Today we are joined by a legend Al McGlashan to talk about his fishery in Australia and share random facts. Crazy to hear how and why Al got the motivation to start filming and taking pictures of his experiences offshore and how he catches fewer fish now because he is fully focused on getting the Shot of the fish.
Al started filming and photography because he would explain to people the Marlin experiences and people not believing him because he released the Marlin so he bought a camera and became one of the few fishermen that specialized in Photography in his fishery.
Catching all sorts of Marlin out of the Sydney Harbor to name Striped Marlin, Blue Marlin, Black Marlin, Spearfish, and Sailfish. How close you can fish in Australia without running far basically being able to wave at the shore, catching massive fish from just a small trailer boat without a hassle is how it's done.
James Shares crazy news that Costa Rica is trying to make Sailfish their National fish and make it so that you're not allowed to target sailfish anymore, which is crazy because it brings smooch tourists and the economy to Costa Rica.
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