Billfish Reports EP99 Ft. Hook Harmeling
Hook Harmeling is the one behind Billfish Reports, we recently had Hook Harmeling on the podcast we talked about how much the reports help a program to choose where they want to go next and to collect data from how after years, the fishery has changed, certain locations where they used to catch double-digit billfish and now they catch bigger billfish in single digits. Hook also receives crazy information like swords being caught by France, Black Marlin in the Atlantic, and Mediterranean oceans.
Swordfish is a crazy fish in the podcast Hook says how there are boats that raise Swordfish at night and catch them on the troll, and they haven't had much success with daytime swordfishes in these spots, but they raise the swords with lights on a troll and then pitch to them or he has even received reports of people hooking the Swords on the Fly.
Hook has received 4 reports of Black Marlin Releases up in the Mediterranean Ocean, where the water is even too cold to hold White Marlin or Blue Marlin they do have the spearfish there.
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