Building a Tournament Team
In this Blog Post Nick Carullo & Anthony Pino talk about building a tournament team and how nick build the team he has now on the "Showtime".
Nick Carullo: The "Showtime" is something that didn't even happen on the showtime for the first year. We had an incredible year. The guys that are a part of the Showtime are some guys that have fished with me for 10 years or more.
Anthony Pino: Now, did you pick those guys? Did the team just naturally happen, or did you kind of figure it out as you went.
Nick Carullo: With a couple of guys like JC for instance Me and him, we just became friends about 15 years ago and we kind of just always fished together ever since he was a captain. I would mate for him and then when I was running boats, he started, mating for me. We kind of just been going with each other ever since. If he hopped on a boat, I would go with him, If I went out, vice versa. So it's kind of like it just happened. I can’t even say from where "Showtime" started? JC ran a 59 Spencer called the “Hell Raiser”, with me and Chorzo and fished with us on The Showtime. We were the mates on the hellraiser. We had a great year on that boat. I want to say the team fell apart, but we just moved on to something else. I started running a boat called the “Free Bird”, which was only kind of a year of tournament fishing, but I had JC, Chorzo and Doug. This guy, Doug, he’s special to us. I've fished with Doug and JC, like I said, for 10 plus years. We actually won the whole sailfish circuit on the "Freebird" that year.
If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post you can listen to the full conversation here: EP31