"Jaruco's" Captain James Brown
Today James Brown joins us on the podcast, James Brown is the Captain of the "Jaruco" a 90ft Jarrett Bay build with carbon fiber seats and outriggers with titanium shafts to cut the weight down. James is originally from New Zeeland, he got into it just like most because of their father. New Zeeland had an extensive charter fleet but that was declining slowly. James got an opportunity to go down to Costa Rica to help on a boat for 3 months and right after the 3 months James never went back home he hopped on a boat "Carol Libby" and did a lot of the Fad fishing in Costa Rica.
One of James bucket-list places Madeira, he visited with the "Jaruco" and they fished the world cup and caught a 497-pound Blue Marlin they just missed 3 pounds to be able to have won, they weren't sure to take the fish but when they fish came up the Marlin wasn't alive anymore.
James took the "Jaruco" over after the old captain wanted to spend more time with his family, even tho the "Jaruco" is a giant sport fisher James explains how it feels like a smaller boat because of its weight, but once an angler or mate needs to run across the cockpit they notice the size. Another thing James has noticed on the "Jaruco" is that it takes more time to see the fish after they mark it on the sonar. James explains how when he gets on a smaller boat now he drives horribly for the start because he is so used to a stable boat where he needs to turn the heel completely to make the turns.
Please enjoy the full episode below:
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