Mark Deblasio in Cape Code and North Carolina
Today we have Mark Deblasio, Legend Mark Deblasio joins us today his specialty catching Bluefin Tuna and Big Eye Tuna. Mark DeBlasio won his first tournament in the Wahoo category and many other Tuna categories later on. Mark Runs the Blue-runner. Canyon runs are something Mark has been doing really early on and talks about some stories in the podcast.
First, a known fishing story from Mark is when he was 2 years old he threw the key chain of all of his dad's client's car keys from the bridge creating some problems for his dad, and started fishing offshore seriously with him when he was around 8 years old.
Numerous victories and achievements for Mark DeBlasio in local events, the Mid-Atlantic 500, and the White Marlin Open. one of the best charter captains in the Northeast Canyons, in Cape Code, and in North Carolina
Watch the full podcast on the link below to learn how Mark Deblasio has gotten where he is today, and some exceptional stories Mark has experienced which will only be experienced by being on the water consistently day in and out.
Please enjoy the full episode below:
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