"From Fishing to AI: Exploring the Full Spectrum of a Fisherman's Journey" Ft. Josh Jorgensen
We are joined by Josh Jorgensen from BlacktipH. He originally uploaded his first video in 2006 on a different channel because people didn't believe he caught a shark from the coast in Canada. His name BlacktipH came about because they started calling him the Blacktip Hunter, as that is something he loved doing. From there, his love for saltwater fishing grew.
Josh attributes his success to his understanding of algorithms and their ability to be used to his advantage. He possesses a unique perspective compared to other fishermen due to his programming background. According to him, this understanding enables him to comprehend the inner workings of algorithms and manipulate them effectively. This knowledge has helped him achieve success in his career.
Josh has recently been struggling with cancer. He has been through a hard time and, at some point, was unable to eat. He still has some treatment to go, and we wish him the best. Everyone looks up to Josh because he is such a genuine person who is steering the industry in a positive direction.
Josh has seen it all when it comes to fishing. He's caught almost every species we know, and he has learned a lot on his journey. He is still eager to learn whenever he is out there on the water. Listen to some of his great experiences and stories in the podcast below.
Please enjoy the full episode below:
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