State of Sportfishing EP88 - Jens van der Lube

Today we are joined by Jens van der Lubbe located in Curacao, Jens his fleet consists of 39 Seavee. Jens recently added a 44 Merritt "La Hechicera" to his fleet. Jens also owns the largest Marina in the ABC islands which does everything from service to welding to painting, to re-power.

Jens uses his 39 Seavee more as commercial-style fishing. He explains in the podcast how he uses the 39 Seavee, as a commercial boat using its walk-around feature to be able to jig, live bait, and troll for tuna and to be able to fight multiple tunas without having to maneuver too much around the FAD, with his best day going a little over 500 kilos (1100LB) of yellowfin Tuna. 

On the new 44 Merritt "La Hechicera" which he recently added to his fleet, he uses it more as a pleasure Sportfishing boat trying to fish Marlin on it as much as possible. He is now currently stuck on land since his Merrit "La Hechicera" recently got struck by lightning and destroyed all the electronics and electrical work. Now it needs to be completely stripped, to then re-install new electronics to be able to get back out there and get on with new Marlin fishing adventures.

Please enjoy the full episode below:

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