State of Sportfishing EP96 - Marco Bonaiuto
Today we have Marco Bonaiuto. Marco Bonaiuto is the Co-founder of Boat Buddies, and has a full-time job with Nautical Networks.
Co-founder of Boat Buddies, these are wipes that do not contain Clorox so they won't damage some materials and make them last less, They are 12x12 and come in packs of 25 use them for interior or exterior without damaging certain materials. The Boat Buddies also hold moisture for allot longer, so they don't dry out when you most need them.
Maco Bonaiuto works full time for Nautical Networks, he goes on shoots and edits short 40-60sec videos of the boats they shot then they deliver all the photos and videos to a yacht broker one of the brokers they work with is Galati.